recently retired from my job as bookkeeper at an optometrist office
in Kentucky after 20+ years at the same office. Before that I worked for
Jenkins Independent School; first in the JHS principal's office then spent 11
years as secretary to the superintendent and board treasurer. I had a
great team to work with during those years.
Click on picture to enlarge


moving to Michigan in November, 2005 I still
attended the same "family church,"
E Jenkins Church of God, where my mother became a charter member in 1941
and Daddy followed her shortly afterward. I can't remember a time when I
was not keenly aware of God and wanted to go to church and Sunday school.
Before my mother and dad started going to church, I attended the nearby FreeWill
Baptist Sunday school.
Click on picture
to enlarge
This is
one of my SS cards; amazing that it survived that long!

November 2005 I also still lived where I was born and reared. I had moved away a
couple of times, but gravitated back home. The hills called me back
irresistibly, but I guess this Michigan move is permanent. But I still
have "blue blood"!
I now attend Faith Tabernacle where my
brother-in-law is pastor.
Click on picture to enlarge

morning, Mother stood me in a chair and put the finger curls in my hair.
At least for more than the first six years of my life, until Violetta came along
and Mother had to divide her time between us. We had household help at
times and sometimes it became their job to twirl the curls before I left for school.
(I'd like to have that kind of service now!)

Ah! for
those carefree days again!

you know it, it's 8th Grade graduation time.

think I have the names right.
from left: Bobby Hamby, Jackie Belcher, Bill Griffin, Sophia Haley, Eloise
Kiser, ? Byrd, Grover Taylor (Principal), Charles Anderson, Vivian Williams, Mae
Tucker, Tom Baker, Danola Greer, Barbara Whitaker
Row: Ronnie Swindall, JoAnn Farley, Rheta Gay Parks, Williams Blevins, Jo
Mullins, Patsy Bates, Paul Hendrix, Delores, Belle Potter, Arnold Williams

Some youthful pictures.
I don't
remember this occasion, but I think I was in bout the 8th grade.

to enlarge pictures below)

And get
a load of this hair! A product of my sister-in-law, Ona, who was brave
enough to tackle the hip length tresses. Pity the poor folks who had to
sit behind me in church!

Days of the "Beehive"

Later, more conservative!

More Pictures
Click on picture to enlarge

Though I have no children of my own, I
was able to help with the "care and feeding" of three step-children.
They are grown now and have children of their own. Some pictures are available
on my
"Next Generations" page.

Following the snow plow over Continental
Divide at Rabbit Ears Pass, CO

Delores measuring snow wall in Colorado

B.J. (Butkins, Jr.)

Baby B.J.

He adopted me from the time he was six
weeks old. As a baby, he sat outside my bedroom door and cried if he
couldn't get in.
My little buddy for 15 years. I
miss him very much!
(His "father" was a
"doctor" from


Wal-Mart's toys can't compare to the fun
of having catnip tucked in the toe of old pantyhose!

Rusty's half sister

"How could that bird be so fast!?
Oh well, I'll just be a flower."

Some of my dolls

Some are Jenkins High and UK

The early years
Delores and T.C. Whitaker
Married 21 years. T.C. died 2/1/73

Pat & T.C. ~~ T.C. & Farley

Helen (Whitaker) Mullins, T.C. & Lura
(Wynn) Phelps
Below: Helen & Clyde Mullins'
Daughter, Clydette, and family

(Left to right) Frazier & Clydette
Huddleson, their daughter and new bride, Elizabeth and her new husband, Tim
Feldbruegge. Frazier & Clydette's son, Michael, is on the right.
Tim is from Wisconsin but he & Elizabeth live in Chicago where they both work.
Frazier, Clydette and Tim live in Ohio. A sad note: Clydette lost
her battle with cancer in 2008. She was a very special person to a lot of

"Long ago"

Grandmother Farinda Robbins, T.C. and

Unnecessary Information
I began
writing silly poetry in elementary school.
This eventually led to other forms of
writing. I had a small portfolio that
I shared with special friends and family
members. A few years ago my sister,
Lorinda, encouraged me to begin a web site.
It seemed so far fetched for me that I didn't
even consider it at first, but a lady I
worked with had published some poetry at
Geocities and told me how to get started.
My first efforts at design were quite
"pitiful," but I kept learning a little more
until eventually I was able to actually
create a page on my own. This effort
for my family was one of my first ones.
With some help from my knowledgeable friends
and a lot of prayer, I now have two
inspirational web sites and have published
probably hundreds of pages.
Links to the two inspirational sites are
below. I also do a web site for the
church that I attend here in Michigan,
Faith Tabernacle.

Click here: *Younger
Generation* for more of
my family